Calia CDV

Calia CDV
PRE Andalusian Mare
Height: 15.1
DOB: May 2007
Horses like this are rare.
Thoughtfully bred, allowed to fully mature before starting and ridden with the intent of creating a well-rounded, go-anywhere, do-anything kind of horse.
Calia is a kind, beautiful, sound animal that is a pleasure to be around, fun to ride, and beautiful to watch.
Ridden western in the Californio style,
she works nicely in a hackamore or two-rein. She's gentle enough that I've also ridden her bareback in a halter.
Her feet are strong and she goes barefoot nicely.
She grew up in a pasture with lots of room and other mares but also does nicely stalled on her own.
She is currently continuing her training with Bruce Sandifer in Santa Barbara, CA.
Contact: CowgirlCaliB@gmail.com